How to Prevent CSS Stylesheet Caching in WordPress

How to Prevent CSS Stylesheet Caching in WordPress

Whether you’re in the development stage or making updates to an existing WordPress project, you may run into unwanted stylesheet caching. In this tutorial we will teach you a very simple one step method to temporarily prevent WordPress from caching your stylesheet.

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Part 1: How to Code a Pure CSS3 Preloader with Animations

Part 1: How to Code a Pure CSS3 Preloader with Animations

If you are building a website and are worried about load times, preloaders are a great way to reduce user frustration due to varying load times. In part 1 of this tutorial we will teach you how to create a pure CSS3 preloader without images that utilizes CSS3 animations.

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How to Create an Apple Touch Icon for your Responsive Website

How to Create an Apple Touch Icon for your Responsive Website

When a user bookmarks or adds your website to their home screen on an iOS touch screen device an Apple Touch Icon is used. Instead of displaying a substandard icon created by Apple to your end users, we will teach you how to create a custom Apple Touch Icon for your responsive website.

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How to Create an Odd/Even Class System in WordPress

How to Create an Odd/Even Class System in WordPress

There are many times when coding a WordPress blog or full website that you may encounter the need for a class that targets odd/even posts or items. In this tutorial we will teach you a very simple method for adding odd/even classes anywhere inside of your WordPress loop using a function.

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How to Disable Emoji Support in WordPress 4.2+ without a Plugin

How to Disable Emoji Support in WordPress 4.2+ without a Plugin

Even if you aren’t utilizing emojis on your site, your site is still loading all of the CSS and JS used to drive them which increases load time slowing down your site. In this tutorial we will teach you how to remove and disable emoji support by simply adding a code snippet to your functions file.

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WordPress Tutorials

How to Automatically Retrieve Video Thumbnails from YouTube

We often use YouTube ID’s in our projects to grab either videos or thumbnails directly from YouTube, giving us greater flexibility as well as simplifying the process for the end user. In this tutorial we will teach you how to use the YouTube ID to retrieve all of the different available video thumbnails automatically from YouTube.

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How to Create a Custom PayPal Button without Images

How to Create a Custom PayPal Button without Images

Since PayPal is such a well-known force in the e-commerce world we encounter it often. One thing we noticed is that their ‘Button Factory’ lacks the ability to create a custom button without having to upload an image. In this tutorial we will teach you a very simple method to break free from the restraints of the ‘PayPal Button Factory’ by making a small change to the default button code and adding some CSS.

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How to Customize your Google+ Page Badge

How to Customize your Google+ Page Badge

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to style one of the newest social widgets on the block, the Google+ badge. After completing this tutorial you should be able to play around with the code and make modifications that you see fit to change the styling to your own needs.

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Fixing YouTube iFrame Z-index using jQuery

Fixing YouTube iFrame Z-index using jQuery

In this quick tutorial we will show you an easy way to automate the addition of “wmode=opaque”, using jQuery, to all embedded iFrames on your website. This will not only fix any new iFrame videos added to your website but all previous iFrame videos as well.

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view app profile page is missing

How to Resolve Issues with Adding a Facebook APP to a Fan Page

You will notice that the “view app profile page” link on the bottom left side is missing. If you can not get to the profile page, this also means you can not click on the “add to my page” link. As far as we know and hope, this is a Facebook bug. We know that Facebook is claiming they will be removing the profile pages on February 1st, so hopefully this is just a temporary issue and there will be a new easier way to add your app to your fan page in the upcoming future. For now we have found a temporary fix!!

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