How to Search only Posts or Pages in WordPress

How to Search only Posts or Pages in WordPress

The WordPress search function by default will display all published pages and posts in the search results. In this tutorial we will teach you how to search only posts or pages in WordPress by utilizing PHP functions.

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How to Hide the WordPress Content Editor on Specific Pages

How to Hide the WordPress Content Editor on Specific Pages

When the situation arises where you don’t end up utilizing the actual WordPress content editor, we feel that is best practice to hide it in order to avoid any potential confusion. In this tutorial we will teach you how to hide the content editor on specific pages via a WordPress function.

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How to Load More Posts in WordPress with jQuery

How to Load More Posts in WordPress with jQuery

The way a WordPress website functions is just as important as how it looks, providing easy access to viewing more content in a seamless way can help improve the overall user experience. In this tutorial we will teach you how to easily load more posts on your WordPress website or blog utilizing the built in more post linking navigation and jQuery.

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How to Create an Odd/Even Class System in WordPress

How to Create an Odd/Even Class System in WordPress

There are many times when coding a WordPress blog or full website that you may encounter the need for a class that targets odd/even posts or items. In this tutorial we will teach you a very simple method for adding odd/even classes anywhere inside of your WordPress loop using a function.

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