Syc Fuk WordPress Website Design


Syc Fuk

Company Info

SYC FUK is ANTI-FASHiiiON created by BUCKY BAKES. BUCKY BAKES has been destroying his clothes since the age of 7. Never accepting the clothing brands that were force fed to him, he PROUDLY ripped, cut, drew, painted, dyed, and SAFETY PINNED them together until society fwowned…

Project Details

We wanted to design the site based off of the designs and the feel of the Syc Fuk clothing line.  The wall is actually a photo from the factory where they design the shirts.  One really cool thing about the coding is that he wanted it to look like an ecommerce site by only using Pay Pal buy now buttons.  So by using WordPress, the Pay Pal buy now button, and the Nextgen Gallery plugin, we made it look pretty legit.

Project Link